Introduction to time series analysis#



In this lecture we will cover the following topics:

  • Definition of time series data.

  • Introduction to time series analysis and application examples.

  • The main components of a time series.

  • Time series decomposition.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose, STL
from scipy.fft import fft
np.random.seed(0)  # for reproducibility


What is a time series?#

  • A time series is a sequence of data points organized in time order.

  • Usually, the time signal is sampled at equally spaced points in time.

  • These can be represented as the sequence of the sampled values.

  • Irregularly sampled time signals can still be represented as a time series.

  • It is necessary to encode this additional information into an additional data structure.


What data are represented as time series?#

  • Time series are found in a myriad of natural phenomena, industrial and engineering applications, business, human activities, and so on.

../../_images/passengers.png ../../_images/co2.png ../../_images/sunspots.png ../../_images/electricity.png ../../_images/water_temps.png
  • Other examples include data from:

    • Finance: stock prices, asset prices, macroeconomic factors.

    • E-Commerce: page views, new users, searches.

    • Business: transactions, revenue, inventory levels.

    • Natural language: machine translation, chatbots.

Time series analysis#

The main pruposes of time series analysis are:

  1. To understand and characterize the underlying process that generates the observed data.

  2. To forecast the evolution of the process, i.e., predict the next observed values.

  • There are two main different perspectives to look at a time series.

  • Each perspective leads to different time series analysis approaches

Statistics perspective#

  • A time series is a sequence of random variables that have some correlation or other distributional relationship between them.

  • The sequence is a realization (observed values) of a stochastic process.

  • Statistical time series approaches focus on finding the parameters of the stochastic process that most likely produced the observed time series.


Dynamical system perspective#

  • This perspective assumes that there is a system governed by unknown variables \(\{x_1, x_2, x_3, \dots ,x_𝑁\}\).

  • Generally, we only observe one time series \(y\) generated by the system.

  • What can \(y\) be?

    • One of the system variables.

    • A function \(f\) of system variables.

  • The objective of the analysis is to reconstruct the dynamics of the entire system from \(y\).



Time series analysis is applied in many real world applications, including

  • Economic forecasting

  • Stock market analysis

  • Demand planning and forecasting

  • Anomaly detection

  • … And much more

Economic Forecasting

  • Time series analysis is used in macroeconomic predictions.

  • World Trade Organization does time series forecasting to predict levels of international trade [source].

  • Federal Reserve uses time series forecasts of the economy to set interest rates [source].


Demand forecasting

  • Time series analysis is used to predict demand at different levels of granularity.

  • Amazon and other e commerce companies use time series modeling to predict demand at a product geography level [source].

  • Helps meet customer needs (fast shipping) and reduce inventory waste


Anomaly detection

  • Used to detect anomalous behaviors in the underlying system by looking at unusual patterns in the time series.

  • Widely used in manufacturing to detect defects and target preventive maintenance [source].

  • With new IoT devices, anomaly detection is being used in machinery heavy industries, such as petroleum and gas [source].


Time series components#

  • A time series is often assumed to be composed of three components:

    • Trend: the long-term direction.

    • Seasonality: the periodic behavior.

    • Residuals: the irregular fluctuations.


  • Trend captures the general direction of the time series.

  • For example, increasing number of passengers over the years despite seasonal fluctuations.

  • Trend can be increasing, decreasing, or constant.

  • It can increase/decrease in different ways over time (linearly, exponentially, etc…).

  • Let’s create a trend from scratch to understand how it looks like.

time = np.arange(144)
trend = time * 2.65 +100
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3))
ax.plot(time, trend, color='tab:red')
plt.title("Trend vs Time");


  • Periodic fluctuations in time series data that occur at regular intervals due to seasonal factors.

  • It is characterized by consistent and predictable patterns over a specific period (e.g., daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly).

It can be driven by many factors.

  • Naturally occurring events such as weather fluctuations caused by time of year.

  • Business or administrative procedures, such as start and end of a school year.

  • Social or cultural behavior, e.g., holidays or religious observances.

  • Let’s generate the seasonal component.

seasonal = 20 + np.sin( time * 0.5) * 20
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3))
ax.plot(time, seasonal, color='tab:orange')
plt.title("Seasonality vs Time");


  • Residuals are the random fluctuations left over after trend and seasonality are removed from the original time series.

  • One should not see a trend or seasonal pattern in the residuals.

  • They represent short term, rather unpredictable fluctuations.

residuals = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=3, size=len(time))
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3))
ax.plot(time, residuals, color='tab:green')
plt.title("Residuals vs Time");

Decomposition Models#

  • Time series components can be decomposed with the following models:

    1. Additive decomposition

    2. Multiplicative decomposition

    3. Pseudoadditive decomposition

Additive model#

  • Additive models assume that the observed time series is the sum of its components:

\[X(t) = T(t) + S(t) + R(t)\]
  • where

    • \(X(t)\) is the time series

    • \(T(t)\) is the trend

    • \(S(t)\) is the seasonality

    • \(R(t)\) is the residual

  • Additive models are used when the magnitudes of the seasonal and residual values do not depend on the level of the trend.

additive = trend + seasonal + residuals
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3))
ax.plot(time, additive, 'tab:blue')
plt.title("Additive Time Series")

Multiplicative Model#

  • Assumes that the observed time series is the product of its components:

\[X(t) = T(t) \cdot S(t) \cdot R(t)\]
  • It is possible to transform a multiplicative model to an additive one by applying a log transformation:

\[\log \left( T(t) \cdot S(t) \cdot R(t) \right) = \log(T(t)) + \log(S(t)) + \log(R(t))\]
  • Multiplicative models are used when the magnitudes of seasonal and residual values depends on trend.

multiplicative = trend * seasonal # we do not include the residuals to make the pattern more clear
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3))
ax.plot(time, multiplicative, 'tab:blue')
plt.title("Multiplicative Time Series")

Pseudoadditive Model#

  • Pseudoadditive models combine elements of the additive and multiplicative models.

  • Useful when:

    • Time series values are close to or equal to zero. Multiplicative models struggle with zero values, but you still need to model multiplicative seasonality.

    • Some features are multiplicative (e.g., seasonal effects) and other are additive (e.g., residuals).

    • Complex seasonal patterns or data that do not completely align with additive or multiplicative model.

  • For example, this model is particularly relevant for modeling series that:

    • are extremely weather-dependent,

    • have sharply pronounced seasonal fluctuations and trend-cycle movements.

  • Formulation:

\[X(t) = T(t) + T(t)\cdot(S(t) - 1) + T(t)\cdot(R(t) - 1) = T(t)\cdot(S(t) + R(t) -1)\]
pseudoadditive = trend * (seasonal + residuals - 1)
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3))
ax.plot(time, pseudoadditive, 'tab:blue')
plt.title("Pseudoadditive Time Series")

Time Series Decomposition#

  • Now let’s reverse directions.

  • We have additive and multiplicative data.

  • Let’s decompose them into their three components.

  • A very simple, yet often useful, approach is to estimate a linear trend.

  • A detrended time series is obtained by subtracting the linear trend from the data.

  • The linear trend is computed as a 1st order polynomial.

slope, intercept = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(additive)), additive, 1) # estimate line coefficient
trend = np.arange(len(additive)) * slope + intercept # linear trend
detrended = additive - trend # remove the trend
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plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.plot(additive, label='Original')
plt.plot(trend, label='Trend')
plt.plot(detrended, label='Detrended')
  • Next, we will use seasonal_decompose (more information here) to isolate the main time series components.

  • This is a simple method that requires us to specify the type of model (additive or multiplicative) and the main period.

Additive Decomposition#

  • We need to specify an integer that represents the main seasonality of the data.

  • By looking at the seasonal component, we see that the period is approximately \(12\) time steps long.

  • So, we set period=12.

additive_decomposition = seasonal_decompose(x=additive, model='additive', period=12)
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# Utility function to make the plots
def seas_decomp_plots(original, decomposition):
    _, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(7, 5))
    axes[0].plot(original, label='Original')
    axes[0].legend(loc='upper left')
    axes[1].plot(decomposition.trend, label='Trend')
    axes[1].legend(loc='upper left')
    axes[2].plot(decomposition.seasonal, label='Seasonality')
    axes[2].legend(loc='upper left')
    axes[3].plot(decomposition.resid, label='Residuals')
    axes[3].legend(loc='upper left')
seas_decomp_plots(additive, additive_decomposition)
  • The blue line in each plot representes the decomposition.

  • There is a legend in the upper left corner of each plot to let you know what each plot represents.

  • You can see the decomposition is not perfect with regards to seasonality and residuals, but it’s pretty close.

  • You may notice both trend and residuals are missing data towards the beginning and end.

  • This has to do with how trend is calculated (beyond the scope of this lesson).

  • The residuals are missing simply because \(R_{t} = Y_{t} - T_{t} - S_{t}\), so missing trend values mean missing residual values as well.

  • In other words, there is nothing wrong with these graphs.

Multiplicative Decomposition#

  • We use the same function as before, but on the multiplicative time series.

  • Since we know this is a multiplicative time series, we declare model='multiplicative' in seasonal_decompose.

multiplicative_decomposition = seasonal_decompose(x=multiplicative, model='multiplicative', period=12)
seas_decomp_plots(multiplicative, multiplicative_decomposition)
  • Again, the decomposition does a relatively good job picking up the overall trend and seasonality.

  • We can see the shapes follow the patterns we expect.

Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing (LOESS)#

  • Next, we try a second method called STL (Seasonal and Trend decomposition using LOESS).

  • We start with the additive model.

stl_decomposition = STL(endog=additive, period=12, robust=True).fit()
seas_decomp_plots(additive, stl_decomposition)
  • The STL decomposition does a very good job on the additive time series.

  • Next, we try with the multiplicative one.

stl_decomposition = STL(endog=multiplicative, period=12, robust=True).fit()
seas_decomp_plots(multiplicative, stl_decomposition)
  • This decomposition is not as good as the previous one.

Which method to use?#

Use seasonal_decompose when:

  • Your time series data has a clear and stable seasonal pattern and trend.

  • You prefer a simpler model with fewer parameters to adjust.

  • The seasonal amplitude is constant over time (suggesting an additive model) or varies proportionally with the trend (suggesting a multiplicative model).

Use STL when:

  • Your time series exhibits complex seasonality that may change over time.

  • You need to handle outliers effectively without them distorting the trend and seasonal components.

  • You are dealing with non-linear trends and seasonality, and you need more control over the decomposition process.

Identify the dominant period/frequency#

  • seasonal_decompose expects the dominant period as a parameter.

  • In this example, we generated the seasonal component by hand as follows:

seasonal = 20 + np.sin( time * 0.5) * 20
  • We said that the period was approximately \(12\).

  • But, in general, how do we find it out 🤔?

  • You can use one of the following techniques:

    • Plot the data and try to figure out after how many steps the cycle repeats.

    • Do an Autocorrelation Plot (more on this later).

    • Use the Fast Fourier Transform on a signal without trend.

  • We will look more into FFT later on.

  • For now, you can use the following function to compute the dominant period in the data.

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def fft_analysis(signal):
    # Linear detrending
    slope, intercept = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(signal)), signal, 1)
    trend = np.arange(len(signal)) * slope + intercept 
    detrended = signal - trend 
    fft_values = fft(detrended)
    frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fft_values))

    # Remove negative frequencies and sort
    positive_frequencies = frequencies[frequencies > 0]
    magnitudes = np.abs(fft_values)[frequencies > 0]

    # Identify dominant frequency
    dominant_frequency = positive_frequencies[np.argmax(magnitudes)]
    print(f"Dominant Frequency: {dominant_frequency:.3f}")

    # Convert frequency to period (e.g., days, weeks, months, etc.)
    dominant_period = 1 / dominant_frequency
    print(f"Dominant Period: {dominant_period:.2f} time units")
    return dominant_period, positive_frequencies, magnitudes
period, freqs, magnitudes = fft_analysis(seasonal)
Dominant Frequency: 0.076
Dominant Period: 13.09 time units
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# Plotting the spectrum
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
plt.stem(freqs, magnitudes)
plt.title('Frequency Spectrum')
  • It turns out that the main seasonality was not exactly \(12\).

  • If we want to generate a periodic signal with seasonality \(12\), we have to do as follows.

seasonal_12 = 20 + np.sin(2*np.pi*time/12)*20
Dominant Frequency: 0.083
Dominant Period: 12.00 time units


In this lecture we covered the following topics.

  • The definition of a time series and examples of time series from the real world.

  • The definition of time series analysis and examples of its application in different fields.

  • A practical understanding of the three components of time series data.

  • The additive, multiplicative, and pseudo-additive models.

  • Standard approaches to decompose a time series in its constituent parts.


Exercise 1#

  • Consider as the seasonal component the periodic signal

seasonal_12 = 20 + np.sin(2*np.pi*time/12)*20
  • Regenerate the signals additive and multiplicative using seasonal_12 as the seasonal component.

  • Perform the seasonal decomposition with seasonal_decompose and STL on the new signals and compare the results with the ones obtained before.

Exercise 2#

Load the two different time series as follows.

ts_A = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("AirPassengers", "datasets").data["value"].values
ts_B = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("co2", "datasets").data["value"].values
  • Plot the two time series.

  • Determine if the time series looks additive or multiplicative models.

  • Determine the main period of the seasonal component in the two time series.

Exercise 3#

  • Decompose ts_A and ts_B using seasonal_decompose and STL.

  • Comment on the results you obtain.